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Summer 2021 Assignments » Summer 2021 Assignments

Summer 2021 Assignments

5th Grade:  Class of 2033
Please complete the offline option by September 7, 2021. 

Offline Option

Pick up a printed copy from the EQ2 office or print it out at home (102 pages). Call (424)242-9212 to arrange for a time to pick up. 

Get Ready for 5th Grade

Online Option

None because computer distribution for 5th graders will take place late in the summer of 2021.

6th Grade:  Class of 2032
Please select the offline OR online option to complete by September 7, 2021.  

Offline Option

Pick up a printed copy from the EQ2 office or print it out at home (93 pages). Call (424)242-9212 to arrange for a time to pick up. 

Get Ready for 6th Grade

Online Option

If you need your username or password for Google, IXL, or CommonLit, please email Ms. Perez at [email protected]


Click on the link for each skill below then log in to your IXL account and work on each item on this playlist until you earn a smart score of 80 or above. 

If you answer a question incorrectly, an explanation will pop up.  Be sure to read it so that you can learn from your mistake and make progress on the skill.   

C.22 Multiplication input/ output tables

C.23 Multiplication input/ output tables: Find the rule

D.1 Division facts to 12

L.3 Add and Subtract Fractions with like denominators

L.5 Add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators

L.8 Add fractions with unlike denominators

L.10 Subtract fractions with unlike denominators

L.18 Add mixed numbers with unlike denominators

M.15 Multiply two fractions

M.17 Scaling whole numbers by fractions

M.19 Scaling mixed numbers by fractions

M.25 Multiply two mixed numbers

N.5 Divide fractions by whole numbers

N.8 Divide whole numbers by fractions 

N.9 Divide two fractions

R.2 Convert between percents, fractions and decimals

I.2 Multiply a decimal by a power of ten

I.3 Multiply a decimal by a one-digit whole number

I.4 Multiply a decimal by a multi-digit whole number

J.1 Divide decimals by powers of ten

J.3 Division with decimal quotients


Log in to the Class of 2032 Google Classroom and complete 5 assignments from CommonLit.

7th Grade:  Class of 2031
Please select the offline OR online option to complete by September 7, 2021.  

Offline Option

Pick up a printed copy from the EQ2 office or print it out at home (30 pages). Call (424)242-9212 to arrange for a time to pick up.   

Get Ready for 7th Grade

Online Option

If you need your username or password for Google, IXL, or CommonLit, please email Ms. Perez at [email protected]


Click on the link for each skill below then log in to your IXL account and work on each item on this playlist until you earn a smart score of 80 or above. 

If you answer a question incorrectly, an explanation will pop up.  Be sure to read it so that you can learn from your mistakes and make progress on the skill.  

O.11 Evaluate expressions involving integers (Order of Operations)

I.3 Equivalent Fractions Review

I.9 Convert between Mixed Numbers and Improper 


J.1 Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Like Denominators

J.3 Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Unlike Denominators

K.6 Multiplying Fractions

L.5 Dividing Fractions

0.8 Fraction Word Problems

S.1 Convert between Percents, Fractions and Decimals

S.6 Percents of numbers - with fractional and 

decimal percents

S.7 Find what percent one number is of another

S.9 Find the total given a part and a percent

S.5 Percents and word problems

V.7 Calculate tips, taxes, markups and more

V.8 Simple interest

V.5 Sale Prices

V.6 Sale Prices - Find the Original Price

X.2 Graph Points on the Coordinate Plane

X.1 Objects on the Coordinate Plane

X.6 Follow Directions on the Coordinate Plane

P.1 Coordinate Plane Review


Log in to the Class of 2031 Google Classroom and complete 5 assignments from CommonLit.

8th Grade:  Class of 2030
Please select the offline OR online option to complete by September 7, 2021.  

Offline Option

Pick up a printed copy from the EQ2 office or print it out at home (22 pages). Call (424)242-9212 to arrange for a time to pick up.  

Get Ready for 8th Grade

Online Option

If you need your username or password for Google, IXL, or CommonLit, please email Ms. Perez at [email protected]


Click on the link for each skill below then log in to your IXL account and work on each item on this playlist until you earn a smart score of 80 or above. 

If you answer a question incorrectly, an explanation will pop up.  Be sure to read it so that you can learn from your mistake and make progress on the skill.  

V.3 Evaluating variable expressions

R.15 Add and Subtract Like Terms

Y.11 Multiply using the Distributive Property

R.11 Expanding expressions

 V.13 More expanding with the Distributive Property and Negative numbers

R.16 Factors of linear expression

Z.9 Solving two-step equations

Z.10 Solving equations involving like terms

W.9 Solve multi step equations

X.2 Graphing points on the coordinate plane

N.1 Coordinate plane review


Log in to the Class of 2030 Google Classroom and complete 5 assignments from CommonLit.